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We’re Available For When You Need Us Most

Experiencing pain or discomfort that is unexpected in your teeth or gums can be an upsetting situation. Our team is available to help you if you encounter a dental emergency and need help as soon as possible without an appointment. Our dentist in Mokena and New Lenox are able to provide you with skilled dental care that is focused on making sure that you feel comfortable again.

We can help you with dental services if you are experiencing:

  • Broken or chipped teeth: Use warm water to rinse out your mouth and apply a cold compress to help reduce swelling and reach out to our staff as soon as you can.
  • Toothaches: Utilize dental floss and mouthwash to help ensure there is nothing caught between the teeth causing the pain.
  • Objects caught between your teeth: Don’t ever use a sharp or pointed object to try to remove the object.

Contact us at 708-479-5865 for our Mokena office and 815-463-5865 for our New Lenox office.